How Camping Can Relieve Stress & Anxiety

Our lives can be full of things that bring so much stress and anxiety. People often wonder if they can add more hours in their days – if only that were possible. With so many responsibilities at home or during work, many struggles to find time to relax and find peace in their lives.

How Camping Can Relieve Stress and Anxiety
How Camping Can Relieve Stress and Anxiety – Photo Courtesy: StockSnap @ Pixabay

According to a recent study, anxiety tops as one of the most common forms of mental conditions. It affects approximately 40 million adults in the US alone, and these numbers are expected to grow every year.

There are many ways to relieve stress. People can try various lifestyle changes such as physical activity, reducing home clutter, or incorporating meditation.

As for outdoor activities, camping can surely be a great choice. Did you know that camping can also be a stress-relieving activity? Often overlooked, camping can bring you the time to unwind in the rubble of life. Below are some of the benefits of camping to relieve stress and anxiety.

How Does Camping Help Us Relax?

1. Camping Helps Us Appreciate Nature

It may seem like stating the obvious, but camping is one of the best ways to experience the great outdoors. The simple act of being in a location where you get to appreciate the trees, lakes, sunlight, birds, and other natural details can help your mind relax and put you in a calm, peaceful mood.

Most people are used to the urban lifestyle where all they see are skyscrapers, crowded streets, people honking their cars, and other unpleasant forms of visual and auditory pollution. Getting away from these types of environment can help you clear your mind and provide you with emotional rest.

2. Camping Gives You Fresh Air

The lack of oxygen in the body aggravates symptoms of stress and anxiety. This is why experts often suggest people practice deep breathing techniques to calm down during tense situations. What better way to do your deep breathing when the air is crisp and fresh? Camping gives you that opportunity.

As you explore the nature, your body will be replenished with much-needed oxygen that the plants provide. This same oxygen can also nourish the cells in your body which will make you feel rejuvenated. How relaxing is that thought?

Avoid Stress, Just Relax and Be a Happy Camper
Avoid Stress, Just Relax and Be a Happy Camper – Photo Courtesy: Esther Tuttle @ Unsplash

3. Camping Brings Out the Child in You

Do you remember the good old days where you feel that rush of excitement outdoors, wishing the sun would never set? Those are the feelings that camping can bring. Whether you are young or young at heart, it can be such a delight to explore something off the beaten path, or just to simply look back at the times when you were once carefree.

It’s never too late to feel like a child and break free from the stresses of life. Try your hand at fishing, mountain biking, hiking or just sit by a hand build fire.

Having this time of reminiscing about youthful days can keep your mind off the responsibilities temporarily. Your mind will be recharged and ready once you get that time for relaxation.

4. Camping Boosts Your Happy Hormones

Whenever people participate in recreational activities such as camping, the body instantly releases a very special molecule called serotonin. Serotonin, otherwise known as the “happy hormone” is helpful in alleviating symptoms of stress in the body. It can improve your circulation, help you breathe better, give you energy and allow you to have mental clarity.

Experts suggest that people should make time to participate in some form of leisure regularly. When life’s curveballs weigh you down, a quick trip to the woods with your tent and backpack may be the best way to go.

5. Camping Keeps You Away from Technological Distractions

Plenty of people complain about not having enough time in the day. However, it is often debatable if this is really the problem or if the root cause is actually how we spend our time… Camping can reverse this problem by plucking you out of the usual routine of using laptops and cellphones and keeping your eyes glued on different types of screens.

Too much use of technology can leave us feeling depressed and anxious. Some researchers point out that excessive use of social media can even cause people to feel like they are not doing well as they compare themselves with others.

The fast-paced nature of technology can also decrease our attention span, make us feel impatient, and overload our minds with too much information. Cutting yourself from the toxic nature of gadgets and social media can help you see what’s truly important in your life.

Avoid Stress, Be a Happy Camper

If these benefits still don’t convince you to try camping out, then you are really missing out on a lot. There’s a reason why people who love the outdoors are less stressed – and maybe you should try being an outdoor person once in a while.


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  3. Backpacking became the activity that I loved most after years of trying other outdoor activities. I tried kayaking, sailing, paddle boarding, running, yoga and other fitness classes but nothing could compare to the feeling of having a backpack on my back and hiking into the unknown.

  4. Pingback: 9 Amazing Benefits of Camping | Is it Really Good? - Thrill Outdoors

  5. “I find solo camping to be the perfect opportunity for self-reflection and disconnecting from technology. It’s like a reset button for the soul.”

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